Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional
Sermon Audio
"Give Your Enemies What God Gives His"
Day 1: Loving Our Enemies
Reading: Luke 6:27-36
Devotional: Jesus' radical command to love our enemies challenges our natural instincts. As we read these verses, let's reflect on how God has shown love to us when we were His enemies through sin. How can we extend this same grace to those who wrong us? Consider a specific person or situation where you struggle to show love. Pray for God's strength to overcome your resentment and to act in a way that reflects His unconditional love.
Day 2: The Golden Rule in Action
Reading: Matthew 7:12, Romans 12:17-21
Devotional: The Golden Rule goes beyond simple reciprocity - it calls us to initiate kindness, even when it's not deserved. Today, meditate on how you can proactively apply this principle in your relationships. Is there someone you've been holding a grudge against? How might your actions change if you truly treated them as you wish to be treated? Ask God to reveal areas where you can grow in this practice and for the courage to take the first step towards reconciliation.
Day 3: God's Compassion for the Undeserving
Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10
Devotional: Paul reminds us that we were once dead in our transgressions, yet God, in His great love, made us alive with Christ. This unmerited favor is the essence of grace. As you read, ponder the depth of God's compassion towards you. How does this realization change your perspective on extending mercy to others? Thank God for His incredible gift of salvation and ask Him to help you become a channel of that same grace to those around you, especially those who may seem undeserving.
Day 4: Overcoming Evil with Good
Reading: Romans 12:14-21
Devotional: The natural response to mistreatment is retaliation, but God calls us to a higher standard. Paul's exhortation to "overcome evil with good" echoes Jesus' teaching on loving our enemies. Reflect on a time when someone responded to your wrongdoing with unexpected kindness. How did it impact you? Now consider: is there a situation in your life where you can break the cycle of negativity by responding with goodness? Pray for God's wisdom and strength to live out this counter-cultural approach.
Day 5: The Power of Forgiveness
Reading: Colossians 3:12-14, Matthew 18:21-35
Devotional: Forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian message. As we read about clothing ourselves with compassion and forgiveness, let's remember the immense debt that God has forgiven us. The parable of the unforgiving servant starkly illustrates the disconnect between God's forgiveness of us and our reluctance to forgive others. Is there someone you need to forgive? Spend time in prayer, asking God to soften your heart and empower you to extend the same forgiveness you've received. Consider practical steps you can take to begin the process of reconciliation.