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Writer's picturePastor Mark Porterfield

November 3rd Sermon & Devotionals

Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional

Sermon Audio

"All Can Have It

Day 1: God's Love for All

Reading: John 3:16-21

Devotional: God's love is not exclusive or limited - it extends to everyone, even those we might consider unworthy. Today's passage reminds us that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. Reflect on the magnitude of this love. How does knowing that God loves "even you" change your perspective on your own worth and the worth of others? Consider someone you struggle to love or accept. How might God's all-encompassing love challenge you to view them differently?

Day 2: The Call to Repentance

Reading: Mark 1:14-15

Devotional: Jesus began His ministry with a call to repentance. This isn't just about feeling sorry, but about turning away from sin and towards God. "The kingdom of heaven has come near." What areas of your life need repentance? How can you actively turn towards God today? Remember, no matter how far you feel you've strayed, you can be saved. Even you. Take a moment to confess your sins to God and embrace His forgiveness.

Day 3: Praying for All People

Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Devotional: Paul urges us to pray for all people, including those in authority. This can be challenging, especially when we disagree with leaders. Yet, our prayers aren't just for them - they're for the peace and godliness of our own lives too. Today, make a list of people you find difficult to pray for. Spend time lifting them up to God, asking for His help and blessings upon them. How does this change your heart towards them?

Day 4: Assurance of Salvation

Reading: Romans 8:38-39

Devotional: Nothing can separate us from God's love - not even our deepest sins or darkest moments. All can be saved and even you can be saved. Meditate on today's passage. What fears or doubts about your salvation do you struggle with? How does Paul's assurance speak to those doubts? Write down a personal declaration of faith, affirming your trust in God's saving grace.

Day 5: God's Presence in Suffering

Reading: Psalm 23

Devotional: Even in our darkest valleys, God is with us. There may be personal pain and difficult relationships in your life. As you read Psalm 23, picture yourself walking through your current struggles with the Good Shepherd by your side. What comfort do you find in His presence? How can you lean more into God's care during challenging times? Remember, there is no obstacle between God and your redemption. Close your devotional time by thanking God for His constant presence and care.

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