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  • Writer's picturePastor Mark Porterfield

August 25th Sermon & Devotionals

Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional

Sermon Audio

"Open or Closed?"

Day 1: God's Eternal Word

Reading: Luke 1:1-4, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's reflect on the power and permanence of God's Word. Luke's Gospel, like all Scripture, was preserved by the Holy Spirit for our benefit today. Though written long ago, it speaks eternal truths that can transform our lives. How might you approach Scripture with renewed reverence and expectation? Consider how God's Word has guided you in the past and pray for fresh insights as you study it this week.

Day 2: The Problem of Greed

Reading: Luke 12:13-21

Devotional: Jesus warns us about the dangers of greed, reminding us that life's true value isn't found in possessions. Reflect on areas where you might be holding too tightly to material things or worldly success. How can you shift your focus from accumulating wealth to cultivating a "rich relationship with God"? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any misplaced priorities in your life and to help you treasure what truly matters in God's kingdom.

Day 3: Trusting God's Care

Reading: Luke 12:22-31

Devotional: Jesus encourages us not to worry, assuring us of God's care for our needs. When you see the beauty of nature, let it remind you of God's love for you. Where in your life do you need to release anxiety and trust God more fully? Practice casting your cares upon Him today, remembering that He knows your needs even before you ask. How might your life change if you truly sought God's kingdom above all else?

Day 4: The Paradox of Giving

Reading: Luke 12:32-34

Devotional: In God's economy, giving leads to receiving. This paradox challenges our worldly instincts but offers a path to true abundance. Consider an area of your life where you've been hesitant to be generous – with your time, resources, or love. How might God be calling you to "release and receive" in this area? Take a step of faith today in generous giving, trusting God to provide for you as you do.

Day 5: Living for Eternity

Reading: Luke 9:23-25, Colossians 3:1-4

Devotional: Jesus exemplified the ultimate act of self-giving on the cross. As His followers, we're called to a life focused on eternal values rather than temporary gains. Reflect on how your daily choices align with eternal perspectives. Are there areas where you're living more for earthly treasures than heavenly ones? Pray for the courage to "lose your life" for Christ's sake, trusting that in doing so, you'll find true life. How can you orient your heart more fully toward God's kingdom today?

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