Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional
Sermon Audio
Why Not You?
Day 1: Seeing and Being Seen
Reading: Luke 19:1-10
Devotional: Today's reading introduces us to Zacchaeus, a man who desperately wanted to see Jesus but felt the need to hide. Like Zacchaeus, we often try to obscure ourselves from God's view, thinking our sins or shortcomings make us unworthy. But Jesus sees us clearly, calling us by name and inviting Himself into our lives. Reflect on areas where you might be "hiding in a tree," afraid to fully expose yourself to God's gaze. Remember that God's love sees through all our barriers and calls us into a transformative relationship with Him.
Day 2: The Power of Being Known
Reading: Psalm 139:1-18
Devotional: Yesterday, we saw how Jesus knew Zacchaeus by name. Today's psalm reminds us that God's knowledge of us is intimate and complete. He knows our thoughts, our ways, and even the words we'll speak before we utter them. This level of knowledge might seem intimidating, but it's actually a source of comfort and security. God's thorough understanding of us is paired with His unfailing love. Consider how being fully known by God can free you from the fear of judgment and open you to His transforming grace.
Day 3: Repentance and Restoration
Reading: Luke 15:11-32
Devotional: Zacchaeus' encounter with Jesus led to immediate repentance and restitution. Today's parable of the Prodigal Son illustrates God's eagerness to welcome us back when we turn from our old ways. The father's joy at his son's return mirrors God's delight when we come to Him in repentance. Reflect on areas in your life where you might need to "come down from the tree" and make things right. How can you demonstrate your changed heart through actions, as Zacchaeus did?
Day 4: Community Impact of Personal Transformation
Reading: Acts 2:42-47
Devotional: Zacchaeus' transformation affected not just him, but his entire community as he made restitution. Today's reading shows how the early church's devotion to God resulted in a community marked by generosity and joy. When we encounter Jesus, it should ripple out to those around us. Consider how your faith journey impacts your family, friends, and community. Are there ways you can extend Christ's love more tangibly to those around you?
Day 5: Salvation as God's Initiative
Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10
Devotional: Our week began with Jesus seeking out Zacchaeus, reminding us that salvation is God's initiative. Today's passage reinforces this truth, emphasizing that our salvation is a gift from God, not something we can earn. This frees us from the burden of trying to make ourselves acceptable to God and allows us to respond to His grace with gratitude and good works. Reflect on how this truth changes your approach to your relationship with God and your daily life. How does it inspire you to live out your faith more fully?