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January 19th Sermon & Devotionals

Writer's picture: Pastor Mark PorterfieldPastor Mark Porterfield

Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional

Sermon Audio

"Facing the Storms | Dig Deep Week 1"

Day 1: Digging Deep in Faith

Reading: Luke 6:46-49

Devotional: Jesus teaches us about the importance of not just hearing His words, but putting them into practice. He compares this to building a house on a solid foundation. Today, reflect on the areas of your life where you may be hearing God's word but not fully applying it. What would it look like to "dig deep" in your faith? Consider the effort and commitment required to build a strong spiritual foundation. How can you start implementing Jesus' teachings more intentionally in your daily life? Remember, the storms of life are inevitable, but a faith deeply rooted in Christ will stand firm.

Day 2: Loving Your Enemies

Reading: Luke 6:27-36

Devotional: One of Jesus' most challenging teachings is to love our enemies. This goes against our natural instincts, yet it's at the heart of Christ's message. Today, think about those who have hurt or opposed you. How can you show them love, even in small ways? Pray for the strength to bless those who curse you and to do good to those who hate you. Remember that God shows kindness to the unthankful and wicked - we're called to reflect His character. As you practice this radical love, notice how it transforms your heart and perspective on conflict.

Day 3: The Blessings of the Kingdom

Reading: Luke 6:20-26

Devotional: Jesus turns worldly values upside down in His teachings about blessings and woes. He pronounces blessings on the poor, hungry, and persecuted - those the world often overlooks. Consider where you find your security and satisfaction. Are you relying on earthly riches and comfort, or are you seeking first the Kingdom of God? Reflect on how embracing Jesus' perspective might change your priorities and attitudes. Ask God to help you see blessings in unexpected places and to find your true satisfaction in Him.

Day 4: Judging Others

Reading: Luke 6:37-42

Devotional: We often find it easy to spot faults in others while overlooking our own shortcomings. Jesus warns against hypocritical judgment and encourages us to examine ourselves first. Today, pay attention to your thoughts about others. When you're tempted to judge, pause and consider your own areas of weakness or sin. How might God be calling you to grow? Practice extending the same grace and forgiveness to others that you hope to receive from God. Remember, the measure you use for others will be used for you.

Day 5: Bearing Good Fruit

Reading: Luke 6:43-45

Devotional: Jesus teaches that a person's character is revealed by their actions, just as a tree is known by its fruit. Today, examine the "fruit" of your life. What do your words, actions, and attitudes reveal about your heart? Are you consistently producing the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Ask God to continue transforming your heart, so that good fruit naturally flows from your life. Remember, lasting change comes from the inside out, as we allow Christ to work in us.

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